Platform on architecture, interior design and landscape architecture
New door line experiences flying start in new construction and transformation projects

New door line experiences flying start in new construction and transformation projects

'What is functional may also be beautiful'

From the new construction of a high-profile residential building in Amsterdam to the transformation of a monumental church in the south of our country, Kegro Deuren's Architectura door line is experiencing a flying start. The unique door designs by architectural firms M3H Architects, Bedaux de Brouwer Architects, Van Bergen Architectura, Faro and Tank Interior Design Agency clearly appeal to architects and end users alike. And that is not surprising, because with Architectura, Kegro Deuren opens the door to previously unseen living experiences. Within the new and progressive line of doors, diversity, individuality and design come together in a special way with the functionality and quality expected of Kegro Doors. Do you already have a project in mind for Architectura?

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Faro developed an industrial line for the entire home, playing with shadows and giving way to a small, passive door in the side light.

Design for all

For half a century Kegro Doors has been the specialist in exterior doors, combining excellent door performance and numerous design possibilities. The door manufacturer is also the address for innovative door concepts, of which Architectura is an excellent example. In order to give the front door back its deserved role as a business card and design statement, Kegro Deuren started a special development in 2020 in cooperation with five leading architectural firms. "Our intrinsic desire was to redefine the standard in doors," says commercial director Marco van den Hoven. "Because what is functional can also be beautiful. Or in our case, even high-profile beautiful. The unique collaboration between the architects and our own technical department has resulted in exceptional new doors that define the facade of a house and give it extra cachet. But also to door designs that are accessible to everyone."

Unique details

Architects focus primarily on look and feel, while for manufacturers, feasibility, manufacturability and production efficiency are particularly important, he says. "Bringing this together resulted in extraordinary new door designs. But also challenges, for which we found a solution together. We experimented with and invested in new techniques, tools and machining methods to harmonize creativity, functionality and feasibility. As a result, the new door models feature unique details, for which one should really turn to Kegro Doors."

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Also an eye-catcher is the door with a slightly higher neg (Coco) by Van Bergen Architectura, limiting views into the home.

Get inspired

What is also unique is that "jewelry" such as trimmings, letterboxes and grilles are included in the door design, making them an inseparable part of the overall door design. "A total of eight complete door concepts have been designed that are applicable in the renovation market, new construction and high-rise buildings and can also be produced in volumes." 

Those curious about all the designs can find out more at An eye-catcher here, for example, is the letterbox door (Belle) and a door with a slightly higher neg (Coco) by Van Bergen Architectura, which limits views into the home. "Also special are Tank's Biophilic and The Groove designs, which are inspired by the irregular lines of nature. Tank also draws the look and feel of the exterior very nicely into the interior." 

M3H's Legato and Cresendo are distinguished by an exciting interplay of horizontal and vertical sills, inspired by the strumming of stringed instruments. "Faro developed an industrial line for the entire house, playing with shading and giving way to the sidelight in the form of a small, passive door, while Bedaux de Brouwer Architects took the classic path of fluting (vertical slots). A sophisticated range of jewelry completes these doors."

All doors are highly insulated and meet the highest stability class, KOMO and GND, Van den Hoven concludes. "If required, the doors can also be fire and smoke resistant. Where architects and residents select the design of their choice, we provide the right door performance." 

The Architectura door concepts are now available for order.  

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