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TV tower gives color to Roermond and surroundings
Thanks to the new lighting, the dynamics of the tower and its surroundings are enhanced.

TV tower gives color to Roermond and surroundings

In 2020 and 2021, cultural life throughout the Netherlands was at a standstill. Enjoying a beer or eating out was out of the question. In Roermond, too, countless events were cancelled for a year and a half. Fortunately, things have improved and that is why, according to Toren7, it was high time for a little color in the city! In early 2021, the ICT company decided to illuminate the nearly 160-meter-high TV tower on the edge of the city. To ensure an optimal lighting plan and dynamic lighting control, specialist in custom lighting solutions Cleary was involved.

Whether it concerns dynamic architectural lighting, indoor retail projects or lighting of visual communication (signing): with over 15 years of knowledge and experience in niche-oriented LED lighting solutions, Cleary offers a suitable solution for every project. Nice reference projects of the Nuenen lighting specialist are for example the indirect RGBW light lines for the Rotterdam Ahoy Convention Centre in Rotterdam, the full color LED facade for the renewed headquarters of KPN in Rotterdam and the dynamic LED lighting for the TV tower in Roermond.

The lighting system gives Tower7 the ability to program the desired color scheme for any occasion.

The right lighting effects at any time

On the 18th floor of the striking TV tower, Toren7 operates a modern and 'green' data center. "To enhance this special location and to respond to holidays, events and charities, we developed a dynamic lighting plan and realized the corresponding LED lighting installation from A to Z," says Marnix van Twist, owner of Cleary. 

"In September 2021, we equipped the building with a combination of 36 RGBA and white LED emitters, which allow both the base of the tower, the open landings and the mast from 110 to 160 meters to be illuminated entirely as desired. To ensure the right lighting effects at all times, we have determined the correct positions, optics, beam angles, light intensities and color combinations of the LED emitters based on the building (im)possibilities. A-brand components ensure excellent resistance to harsh weather conditions, while a user-friendly software solution provides optimal light control. Locally, but also remotely."

Eyecatcher along the banks of the Meuse River 

The lighting installation gives Tower7 the ability to program the desired color scheme for any occasion, Van Twist says. For example, the TV tower will turn orange at the end of November to draw attention to Orange The World; an international campaign against violence against women and girls. "In February, the carnival colors will be projected on the tower and also at New Year's Eve, the tower will undoubtedly bring color to Roermond and the surrounding area. Moreover, thanks to our lighting, the dynamics of the tower and its surroundings will be enhanced."    

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