'Living' at first I thought was a superfluous profession, but people turned out to appreciate being helped and advised in that area. Nowadays everyone calls themselves designers, everything is design.
And in that craft, especially if it is cultural heritage, you have to have expertise. Just like a pastry chef, you have to work incredibly hard to make the perfect dough. So I also want to be the baker you drive to because you can buy the best croissant there.
A good interior is like nature: it gives you peace. I immensely immerse myself in what architecture gives me. I visit historical buildings a lot, like a church or fortress. When I start a project, I first study the location: how does the light come in and how does the atmosphere change with the seasons? You adjust the doorways and windows accordingly, so the residents can have breakfast where the sun rises.
My interiors should exude simplicity, simple designs like a child would draw them. At the same time, you certainly don't have to keep out modern technology and invisible home automation. Garage doors that slide open with a swipe motion on your phone or a gas fireplace that can be dimmed punctually at nine o'clock at night.
If a client is fond of sauna visits, and loves to spend hours in the bath, then the bathroom will absolutely become a veritable spa.
So let's mainly focus on making our dreams come true! It's a waste to put a lot of money into an expensive kitchen if you never cook. Often questions come up that people didn't know they had. We put a lot of time into creating an interior, apply craftsmanship, choose durable materials and make sure it is also completely finished. You don't have to add anything more yourself.
That's exactly why I want to be that one baker....
Osiris Hertman is an Architect. Interior Designer. Product Designer. From his studio in Santpoort-Zuid, the top designer and his team realize projects for the happy few.