Innovative profile system family is ready for weather extremes
The Netherlands has a temperate maritime climate, with relatively cool summers, mild winters and a year-round chance of precipitation. In recent decades, however, extreme weather has become increasingly common. As a result of climate change, not only heat waves and drought, but also heavy storms and heavy rainfall are now more the rule than the exception, says Edwin van Houten, Executive Manager Benelux Window Solutions at REHAU. "Our frames, windows and doors have to be adapted to this new situation. With the SYNEGO-NL profile system family, REHAU is taking a pioneering role in this."
In order to arrive at reliable and responsible façade elements, a good wind calculation is essential, says Van Houten. "Trade association VKG still uses the traditionally existing tables and wind areas for this, according to table 2 of NEN 2778 and extended with the area coast and heights above 150 meters as referred to in NEN-EN 1991-1-4. In view of climate change and increasing wind and rainfall, VKG sent a letter to its members last year stating that the values relating to these weather extremes may be exceeded by a factor of 2 or more. In other words, that we may accept that in extreme weather some leakage may occur for a short time. Not only REHAU, but also our processing partner Better Facade found this adjustment unacceptable. In our opinion, the standard values should actually be increased! To make this possible, we joined forces. Together we rose to the challenge of precisely doubling the values."
Table 2 of NEN 2778 distinguishes three wind areas. For the most challenging area, on the coast and at 110 meters above ground level, a standard value of 590 Pa is prescribed. This means that, for example, a window must be wind and watertight up to wind force 11 (hurricane force - 9A). In, for example, Limburg, Gelderland, Overijssel and Drenthe (wind areas 2 and 3) these values are somewhat lower.
"In our systems, however, we always assume the most critical values," said Van Houten. "So with the ambition to double the system values, the SYNEGO-NL family had to achieve a standard value of 1,200 Pa and a wind and water tightness up to wind force 14 (tornado force). At the table with Erwin Wiggers, Managing Director of Beter Gevel, we took stock of which optimizations could be implemented relatively easily and cost-effectively within this system family. This also involved the hardware supplier for the pivot elements."
The efforts resulted in the development of 24 elements, with various hardware systems and/or sophisticated cam design, which were successfully tested to standards last November. "For this, we used the hardware supplier's IFT accredited test center," said Van Houten. "During the tests, in accordance with DIN-EN 12208, the target value of 1,200 Pa was amply achieved. Even for our moving window! The SYNEGO-NL fixed window/turn window combination and the SYNEGO-NL single tilt and turn window even achieved a value of 1,500 and 1,900 Pa, respectively!"
Companies interested in this can request the report information directly from REHAU.
"With the high values, we prove that our profile system family has excellent drainage," Van Houten emphasizes. "Even in extreme conditions. What is special here is that no mutations in the steel core were necessary. The egg of Columbus was found precisely in the sophisticated decompression (venting), which is standard in our systems."
The new system elements were recently and in cooperation with Beter Gevel applied in some pilot homes in preparation for the renovation of 120 homes in Zaandam.
REHAU's SYNEGO-NL profile system family includes (Tilt&Turn) windows, (house) doors, lift-and-slide doors as well as sliding doors and windows.
"With the profile system, processors can make all elements common in the Netherlands," said Van Houten. "From simple windows to outward-turning doors, which can also be supplied with top or side lights if required. Even old-fashioned sash windows, arched or angled frames are among the possibilities! Our profile system has a 16° or 6° view, also in combination with the RHL connection. Moreover, the system is very stable and suitable for both residential construction and modular construction (prefab homes, chalet construction, etc.)."
With the profile system family, REHAU is also in line with the sustainable building ambitions of more and more clients, Van Houten said. For example, the use of 40-75% recycled material (EcoPuls label) during the production of the SYNEGO-NL profile systems contributes to a positive ecological footprint.
"In this, too, we take our responsibility, by keeping the 100% circular process in our own hands. This is how we work every day on concrete solutions, which contribute to the sustainable world of tomorrow."