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New topper for guaranteed matte floor
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New topper for guaranteed mat floor

Gloss streaks prevented and even stronger top coat

RIGO Paint Factory has added a new topper! To protect, preserve and empower the natural appearance of SKYLT Original, the company developed an optional final topcoat: SKYLT Extra #5300 Topcoat 2K. "This topcoat prevents gloss streaks, makes surfaces suitable for intensive use and is invisible," says account manager Thomas Viellevoije. "So literally and figuratively a topper!" 

05 House privately owned SKYLT Original detailENT ID50
SKYLT original in a home, performed by Van Mourik Keukens en Interieur.

SKYLT Original is a RIGO product that enjoys great popularity. "It's a beautiful product," Thomas proudly explains. "With it, you retain the untreated look of wood. However, the ultra matte finish does create challenges. This is because anything that is matte will shine when rubbed. We also heard this regularly from our customers. Especially on the floors, glossy streaks became visible with intensive use. That did sting us, because we want to deliver a product that is always good."

Friction leads to brilliance

What exactly about a glossy or matte surface? "The appearance of the surface has to do with the light falling on it. The smoother or flatter something is, the shinier it looks. SKYLT Original therefore ensures that the fibers of the wood stay up. This is on a microscopic level, but ensures that the surface has a matte finish. With a lot of friction, however, the fibers can still be flattened and gloss can appear."

03 Herbert Vissers College SKYLT Original overview ID
SKYLT Extra #5300 Topcoat 2K is ideally suited for pressure-loaded surfaces. Here a staircase at Herbert Vissers College, exported by Trotse Vloeren.

RIGO Paint Factory had been searching for a solution to this problem for a long time. "This remained without results until we were acquired by Blanchon Group in 2022. We have five people in the lab, but they have as many as 25. Together we took on the challenge of developing a new product with even better matting technology." 

The result is the SKYLT Extra #5300 Topcoat 2K, which is available in one-liter and four-liter containers. "The water-based 2-component polyurethane paint was first tested internally by our technical colleagues. After further fine-tuning, the product was also tested by a number of customers through a master test." According to Thomas, the reactions were very positive. "Hey, hey, it's finally here! We hear that a lot. We can finally tackle gloss streaks and are very happy about it." 

Virtually the same cost, stronger top layer

SKYLT Extra #5300 Topcoat 2K is a true topcoat, i.e. the last coat applied. "Three coats of SKYLT Original are normally required. Those can now be replaced by professionals with two normal layers and a layer of Topcoat. Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to make one product that can do everything. Two products are now needed, but with this you achieve a much stronger topcoat than before. On the square meter, the cost remains virtually the same." 

For architects, the new product also offers a good solution. "SKYLT Original, in combination with the SKYLT Extra #5300 Topcoat 2K, is now even better suited for large projects and high-traffic floors. Think restaurants, or hall centers. We know that it is already widely used and we are very happy about this!" 

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