This mosque is also called the Hamad Bin Jassim Mosque. Named after the initiator and financier. Member of the royal family and also former prime minister and foreign minister. He attracted Zeynep Fadillioglu Design to design the mosque. This Turkish architectural firm has its own specialized department to design ceiling paintings and calligraphic elements as well as the artists to apply the artwork. They gave the facade, like the interior, its distinctive style. However, this construction carried the risk that the paint would seal the pores in the plaster surface and destroy the sound-absorbing effect of the ceiling to a greater or lesser extent.
Asona was naturally keen to bring a solution that would spare not only the art images but also the sound absorption capacity. In cooperation with the laboratory of the University of Iserlohn, a new acoustic plaster was developed and tested, which made it possible to apply the paintings with a very limited loss of the sound-absorbing quality of a new variant of the Sonacoustic ceiling. Asona has christened this new variant of the Sonacoustic ceiling "CC-paint. This special project was featured on Architect@Work.
The mosque opened its doors in January 2024. For Asona, the mosque is as much a landmark as it is for the people of Qatar. Asona knew that their product is not only great for acoustics and unique because of its durability, but it confirms that there are plenty of options in post-processing. Through the Pearl mosque, Asona was able to show that the possibilities of their products extend far beyond the impact on the acoustic experience. A grand, prestigious and honorable project that rightly radiates pride in having worked on and opens new doors to the future.
Broadly speaking, there are two systems, within which there are a variety of possibilities in terms of color and texture:
- SONASPRAY® is a price-friendly spray-on solution that can be sprayed directly onto a ceiling or higher parts of the wall in the desired color, texture and thickness, according to the acoustic requirements. This spray-on solution offers very many possibilities to meet any taste and technical challenges and can be applied to any surface
are applied.
- SONACOUSTIC® is an ultra-smooth solution with a luxurious appearance, sprayed on a backing of sound-absorbing boards in a variety of colors.
Both spray-on solutions perfectly complement the design and follow exactly the contours and shapes of the existing ceiling, whether it is straight or round, domed, undulating or with breaks. Hence, these seamless solutions are suitable for virtually any space and application. From classrooms to swimming pools, from restaurants to offices, libraries and museums; anywhere where room acoustics are as important as aesthetic design.