Platform on architecture, interior design and landscape architecture
Ahead to the Annual Event in January 2025!
Tulip Park, Amsterdam.

On the road to the Annual Event in January 2025!

Projects of the months of February, March and April 2024

Last December, the first award ceremony took place. Indeed, on the estate of Castle de Vanenburg in Putten, everything that had been set up in the previous 12 months came together: the company Trespa and trade magazine Archicomm presented the first "Project of the Year Award. TBE-ZA Architects and Engineers from Volendam won the award with the Royal Edam project.

During the well-attended event - so close to Christmas - it already became clear that it would not stop at that one time and that it would be made an annual award ceremony. The reactions were positive. In addition, all architects present saw that the presentations on stage contributed to a useful exchange of knowledge and that just being in Putten offered new networking potential. 

And all that means that in every edition of your trade journal Archicomm this year, we will be discussing a number of projects that have now been chosen as 'Project of the Month' and are thus competing for the highest honor: ultimately winning the 'Project of the Year Award 2024'. Another vibrant meeting is expected to be scheduled for January 2025!
But you can read about that too in this magazine and online at

For specific questions about the Award ceremony, please contact organizer Jim Wolters, Façade account manager at Trespa in Weert (phone: 0495 - 458 358) or Folkert van der Werf, project manager at Louwers Mediagroep / Archicomm (phone: 0495 - 450 095).

Project of the month for February

Rehoboth School, Nijkerk

Faced with the challenge for more space and modern educational facilities, the Rehoboth School underwent a transformation. Inspiration found in a mosaic element on the school became the basis of the facade construction, in which combined colors recurred with Trespa® Meteon®. 

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Rehoboth School, Nijkerk.

Project Details

Client: Rehoboth School

Architect: Jorris Hoste & Gert-Jan Luiten, KYK architects

Installer: Martie Doppenberg, construction company Doppenberg Nijkerk

Applicator and dealer: Ron van der Laak, Michon Dak- & Geveltechniek Vianen

Decor: Trespa® Meteon® Uni Colours, A25.8.1 Anthracite Grey, A35.4.0 Cactus Green & A36.3.5 Turf Green in Satin

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Tulip Park, Amsterdam 

The Tulip Park: a floating work of art in the heart of Amsterdam! Inspired by a colorful tulip bed, a photograph of these flowers formed the basis for the concept. The result is a pattern of pixelated colors, brought to life with Trespa® Meteon® bringing to life the residents' passion for color.  

Project Details

Client: Mrs. de Mooi and Mr. De Wit

Houseboat architect: Anton Surink, Studio Anton Surink

Contractor: Johan van Domselaar (project manager), ABC Waterwoningen

Distributor: Miedema Building Materials

Decor: Trespa® Meteon® Uni Colours, A37.2.3 Spring Green, A03.1.0 Pastel-Grey, A04.0.0 Cream White, A4.0.2 Pale Yellow, A04.0.5 Zinc Yellow, A05.1.4 Sun Yellow, A08.2.3 Salmon, A10.1.8 Red Orange, A12.1.8 Passion Red, A33.3.6 Brilliant Green, A35.4.0 Cactus Green & A17.3.5 Cyclam 

Project of the month for April

Otium Leisure Resort, Roosendaal 

The Otium Leisure Resort: an oasis of tranquility and business efficiency in Roosendaal! Designed with an eye for detail by Geert Timmermans & Dave Heemels, the resort offers a blend of luxury and nature. The material choice of wood-look Trespa® panels enhances the light, airy atmosphere, perfect for both relaxation and business meetings.     

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Project Details

Project: Otium Leisure Resort, Roosendaal

Architect: Geert Timmermans & Dave Heemels, Povše & Timmermans architects

Client: VK Leisure group

Contractor: Bouwbedrijf van de Ven, Veghel (Thijs de Rooij, project manager)

Distributor: Bouwcenter Veghel (Bas Joosten, commercial manager)

Decor: Trespa PURA NFC PU02 & Trespa Meton NW02 (Classic Oak)

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