Platform on architecture, interior design and landscape architecture
'Put YOUR project in the right (day) light'

'Put YOUR project in the right (day) light'

Greater focus on well-being and visual comfort

While we all understand the importance of lighting, too often it still happens that its planning is at the very end of the construction process. People see it as the finishing touch to a successful project. Isn't it time to break this way of thinking? After all, a thoughtful lighting plan requires knowing about several other factors, especially when daylight comes into the equation.

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Work with an open protocol control system to further coordinate the various technologies such as shading, lighting, etc.

Catherine Lootens, cluster manager Green Light Flanders, falls right in with the door: "Actually, daylight is the first priority. It is the most important factor for human well-being and should therefore never be forgotten when making a lighting design. But the advantages of daylight, namely that it is (almost) always there ánd free of charge, are probably also its disadvantages. It is so obvious that it is easily forgotten. Moreover, the focus of a lighting design is still too much on legislation and/or achieving standards while well-being and visual comfort are at least as important."

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Daylight is almost always present. Changing conditions outside means that inside the level of artificial light will have to increase or decrease somewhat.

"An idea to address this? What if when we draw up the first lighting design, ideally in the very early stages of a construction project, we only work with daylight? Then we would know its parameters and 'only' be left with adding artificial light. If there are changes during the construction process, then it is enough to incorporate them into the lighting design to always arrive at a nice plan."

Specialist work

Lootens: "Architects and interior architects today have so much information to process and need to know about so many things that it can sometimes be too much. There is therefore no shame in calling in the help of a lighting design specialist, a lighting designer, a lighting expert or an integrator. Think of someone who specializes in everything that is happening in the industry today, both in terms of standards changing and technological advances and phasing out energy-unfriendly technologies. In many countries we see this splitting of specialties happening, why can't it happen with us?"

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In a perfect world, daylight and artificial light work together to achieve a perfect result.

No obstacle

"Don't let daylight be an obstacle," proclaims Lootens. "Find partners who can help you with their expertise to better integrate daylight into a lighting design. And that may well be a fun, playful and out-of-the-box design. Those partners know very well, for example, that the type of window glass really does play an important role, after all, not every type of glass allows the same amount of light through. And the interior also influences the need for additional artificial light to support daylight, as does the presence of blinds. If a control system is used to control all techniques, it is best to use one with an open protocol. After all, smooth communication between the various techniques is the key to success."   

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